[AMXX] CSGO PP-19 Bizon

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11 195
CS:GO Ports, Sneaky.amxx, Dias

“The Bizon SMG is low-damage, but offers a uniquely designed high-capacity drum magazine that reloads quickly.”

Like any plugin, extract contents, then copy-paste the 'cstrike' folder over your 'cstrike folder' Go to 'cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs' and open 'plugin.ini' in Notepad. Type the name of the plugin (csgo_bzon.amxx) in a new line at the bottom. Save upon closing.Go to 'cstrike/sprites' and open 'hud.txt' in Notepad. In a new line at the bottom, copy-paste the code below, then save upon closing: d_bizon 640 640csws01_s 170 0 50 14. In-game, type "bind f inspect" in the console to bind the Inspect function to the F key. To bind the Repurchase function, let's say, to F2, type in the console "bind f2 repurchase". Now you can use that as your rebuy to include the Bizon. For people who know how to edit CS menus, you can replace the command from "rebuy" to "repurchase;rebuy". That way, even with the plugin disabled/removed the rebuy function will still work.

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