CS:GO Death and Money

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12 845
CS:GO Ports, Hunter-Digital

Allows you to set the kill rewards of each weapon, changes the names of weapons as they appear in death messages and gives your game the kill assist feature. Kill rewards and weapon names can be set in a config file provided. Other features include additional money rewards for headshots and assists, and monetary penalty for team kills.

Download and extract content. Place 'cstrike' folder over YOUR 'cstrike' folder. Go to your 'cstrike\addons\amxmodx\config' folder and open your 'plugins.ini' file. Type the name of the plugin on a new line at the bottom. It should read: csgo_death-n-money.amxx. Save and close. Still in 'cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs' folder, open the 'deathmsgs.ini' file in Notepad. Here you can set the names of the weapons as they appear in the console as death messages and the reward money when fragging with these weapons. REMEMBER: The order of the list is important.

CS:GO Death and Money

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